Professional Standards

How to File an Ethics Complaint

Boards and Associations of REALTORS® are responsible for enforcing the REALTOR® Code of Ethics. 《立博体育赛事》规定了法律或法规规定的责任,这些责任仅适用于选择成为REALTORS®的房地产专业人士. 房地产专业人士(无论是REALTORS®还是REALTORS®)之间的许多困难都是由于误解造成的, miscommunication, or lack of adequate communication. If you have a problem with a real estate professional, you may want to speak with them or with a principal broker in the firm. Open, constructive discussion often resolves questions or differences, eliminating the need for further action.

Before you File an Ethics Complaint

Please review the REALTOR® Code of Ethics and keep in mind that…

  1. 只有REALTORS®和REALTOR®合作伙伴才受全国房地产经纪人协会道德准则的约束.
  2. 如果您正在处理的房地产专业人士(或他们的经纪人)不是REALTOR®, 你唯一的追索权可能是国家房地产许可机构或法院.
  3. 房地产经纪人董事会和协会确定是否违反了《立博体育赛事》, not whether the law or real estate regulations have been broken. 这些决定只能由许可当局或法院作出.
  4. 房地产经纪人委员会可以对违反道德准则的房地产经纪人进行纪律处分. 典型的纪律形式包括参加旨在提高REALTORS®对房地产专业人员的道德义务或其他责任的理解的课程和研讨会. REALTORS® may also be reprimanded, fined, 严重或多次违规的,可以暂停或终止其立博体育赛事资格. Boards and Associations of REALTORS® cannot require REALTORS® to pay money to parties filing ethics complaints; cannot award “punitive damages” for violations of the Code of Ethics; and cannot suspend or revoke a real estate professional’s license. The primary emphasis of discipline for ethical lapses is educational, 提高对《立博体育登录》所规定的责任的认识和赞赏.

Ethics complaints are handled by the Georgia Association of REALTORS®. To submit your complaint, please review these  Steps for Filing an Ethics Complaint. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 马利基塔·霍尔,专业标准管理员和法律事务协调员,电话678.597.4139. Questions may also be emailed to GAR's Legal Affairs Department at

How to File an Arbitration

请注意,只有一个REALTOR®协会的经纪人成员可以向另一个REALTOR®协会的经纪人成员提出仲裁请求. 核实所涉及的两个经纪人是否为房地产经纪人协会®的成员, please contact the GAR Administrator listed below. 一旦确认,您将收到提交仲裁请求所需的文件.

A Request for Arbitration must be filed: 1) after the real estate transaction giving rise to the dispute has been completed; 2) within six months after the facts constituting the Arbitration matter could have been known in the exercise of reasonable diligence; 3) by the broker of a real estate agency.

仲裁请求由Georgia Association of REALTORS®处理. To submit your request, please review these Steps for Filing an Arbitration Request. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 马利基塔·霍尔,专业标准管理员和法律事务协调员,电话678.597.4139. Questions may also be emailed to GAR's Legal Affairs Department at

Mandatory vs. Voluntary

如果涉及佣金纠纷的两个经纪人都是房地产经纪人协会®的成员, 那么他们必须通过协会进行仲裁,而不是根据《立博体育赛事》第17条提起诉讼 Code of Ethics.

Arbitration Process

In arbitrable cases, the Arbitration Committee convenes a panel of impartial, unbiased, and experienced REALTORS® to consider your case. 旨在确保各方的正当程序权利得到保护, claimants and respondents may be represented by attorneys, call witnesses, present evidence, 并质疑被选来审理此案的小组成员的资格.

当事各方如果认为存在程序上的缺陷或其他违规行为构成剥夺正当程序,也享有要求程序性审查或对决定提出法律质疑的有限权利. However, this is not an appeal of the decision itself, only the procedures used in conducting the hearing.


In addition to arbitration services, 我们也提供调解,作为解决佣金或其他商业纠纷的替代方案. 调解已成为一种流行的替代仲裁,因为它更快, 更容易,并使双方对争议的最终解决有更多的控制权.

调解允许成员通过提供公正的第三方来促进双方之间的讨论,从而协商出双方都同意的解决方案. 这是一个通常比仲裁更快、更便宜的过程. 调解还允许成员避免仲裁听证会的对抗性和对抗性. 目标是促进对话并达成谅解,使各方能够找到解决冲突的中间立场.

Mediation vs. Arbitration

In arbitration, 当事人通常更关心的是向专家组作证,而不是讨论他们的争端. 仲裁裁决通常是一个“全有或全无”的命题,一方获得金钱,另一方一无所获. 反馈表明,与参与仲裁的REALTORS®相比,成功调解后的REALTORS®对结果的满意度更高. Therefore, 立博体育赛事服务部敦促您在提交仲裁请求时考虑将调解作为另一种选择. If mediation is unable to resolve the dispute, the parties can proceed to an arbitration hearing without delay.

在案件提交申诉委员会进行初步审查之前,调解是可选的. However, 一旦申诉委员会审查了案件,如果它确定案件可仲裁和强制仲裁, 然后,双方将不得不尝试通过调解来解决他们的商业纠纷,然后才能进入仲裁听证会.

Mediate, don't arbitrate!

Watch NAR's one-minute video, which provides a brief summary of the benefits of mediation.

Contact Information

GAR Professional Standards Administrator

Malikita Hall
Professional Standards Administrator and Legal Affairs Coordinator

Questions may also be emailed to GAR's Legal Affairs Department at

Mediation vs. Arbitration

Watch NAR's one-minute video, which provides a brief summary of the benefits of mediation.

More information on GAR's website »